Message from me :)

Thanks for visiting my blog. I know it isn't much but I am trying my best. I am interested in clothes, phones, marine life, traveling and i love to talk and go to the beach. I also love winter weather :)

Thanks for visiting :)

Friday, January 29, 2010


Hello recently I have been ok. I have been through some things though. Since the accident I have learned that I have to live life and not hold back. I havent been able to blog about things because I have been so busy. Overall things are going great and I am learning who my real friends are. I am thinking about quitting my job soon. I dont think my job is allowing me to do the things in my life that I want to do. Also as of now Im still not in a realtionship. I was almost in one but I got tired of her drama and all that came with it. She wasnt the type of person that I would want to be in a relationship for this. Also she lives in Florida so I would only get to see her quarterly. Overall I would say that Im happy about this, but I dont know cause she was the perfect person in a sense :(. I guess love is something that isnt meant for me. Also of course I have found some new styles I want to try. I would love to try to dress a little edgy. Maybe black pants or converses and a skull necklace I think this could be interesting. Also I have recently been in some drama. I think that I may not be all that I want to be.

Monday, January 4, 2010

School n the New Year

Well i have school tommorow :). Im looking forward to it though to see someone i really like but you know how that goes. Also for the new year im trialing Pescetarianism it seems like a healthy way to eat i did last summer for about to months but the school year kinda ruined it, but i think im ready to try again. Also im trying to lose a little weight because of some things I want to do this summer :D well thts all for now...